Don’t do that! Don’t touch that! Don’t talk to strangers! Don’t cross the street! Don’t say that! No! No! No!

A social science research concluded the above statistics back in 2005 equating it to 33 negatives to every 3 positives!! (The Slight Edge)

Is it any wonder why 5% of the world succeeds? Or why people focus more on negativity and talking about it more than positive experiences?

It has been instilled in us. Our mindset from the get was shaped to think every thing we do correlates to some negative experience. 1 out of 20 will achieve their dreams against the odds.

Although some “No” may be well intended, why so few of the “Yes”? The real question.


I believe it’s a cycle. Since it’s learned behavior, we pass it on to our children. Out of protection, culture, society, beliefs or fear.

But, it’s up to us to retrain our thoughts and shift our mindset because those “No” don’t equate to not being able to achieve your dreams or reach your goals.

What’s preventing us from taking the leap is associating the No with fear and fear paralysis us. Fear of not getting it right, of failure, rejection, of what could go wrong.

Truth is everyone that is successful has definitely gone through a lot of rejection, abuse, hurt, pain, made a ton of mistakes before getting it right, went down the wrong path to later find out they need to go in another direction and on and on. These encounters didn’t stop them from achieving their goals and dreams.


Start by becoming aware of the No you are telling yourself and thinking where you can say more Yes, why can’t I ?! Ask yourself where is this fear coming from, is it me or from my childhood or past? Did someone instill fear in me?

You will be amazed to find we hold ourselves back.

Have you found this to be your case?

Because it’s definitely have been mine and only until recently I decided to say F*^% it. Let’s go for it.