Taking time to exercise for at least 15-30 minutes a day will do wonders to your body, health & overall well-being. Experts agree you don’t need to spend hours in the gym. In fact, prolong hours of HIIT training will cause increase of free radicals in your body.
Additionally, the more stress you put on the body the more Cortisol is produced making balancing hormones much more difficult and losing weight. Higher Cortisol levels = higher Insulin levels. Insulin hormone is the fat storing hormone.
There needs to be a good balance of working out, especially for women. Spending hours in the gym is not the answer or exercising good balance. Spending hours just doing cardio is not the answer either. It actually will hurt you in the long run as doing prolong cardio will start burning muscles instead and not fat after a certain period of time.


  1. Decreases stress in the body, which is what we want to do. We want to process the stress through our body so it doesn’t remain there and cause havoc. The problem lies in working out for prolong hours consistently as mentioned above.
  2. Effective workout routine & strategy will decrease Insulin hormone level in your blood. In turn, you burn more fat and lose weight.
  3. Builds muscles to prevent bone loss and injury. As we age this is very important to keep in mind. We want to age gracefully and without as much pain and injury as possible.
  4. Releases endorphins, feel good chemicals, aiding in Depression & Anxiety. 🏋️‍♂️
  5. Boosts energy
  6. Improves focus..
  7. Changes the structure of your brain to make joy more possible.


Your body is the most important vessel you have in this lifetime. Truth be told many don’t take care of their body until their body starts showing signs, pain, etc.  I know because I was there myself. I  was concerned with diet and exercise only and wellness encompasses so much more.
Sure diet and exercise are priority but there are other things that directly and indirectly affect our overall well-being. I didn’t learn that until I had a health breakdown. I ignored the signs, I wasn’t connected to my body and ignorant to a great degree on the walking miracle we are.
When something is wrong, our body communicates with us through pain, discomfort or just not feeling right. It’s doing so to protect us. Body shaming it or not paying attention will only hurt in the long run.

Tune in to your body and connect. Build awareness of the awesome body you have and you will see how amazing you start to feel. Your body will love you for it because all this time, it wants to protect you and be there for you.


When you love someone, you take care of them right? So, you too must do the same and take care of yourself. It’s not selfish at all and no one else can do it for you.
It’s a must to keep your body working for you at is maximum capacity. You don’t take care of it, it will definitely breakdown along the way and the consequence can be grave. I encourage you to connect within, dive into the self. You will feel amazing. I promise!