To truly have an abundant life of holistic wellness, more than diet and exercise needs to be taken into account and be a part of your daily living.
It’s true diet and exercise are of utmost priority but there is more beyond the food we eat that impacts our health on a daily basis. We can’t just see our health in a vacuum but instead the whole picture. These areas if not in balance or managed have caused tremendous havoc for many and are too often overlooked.
Society is waking up or has been on the wagon for some time now that aesthetics is not the only reason to take care of ourselves. Its how we are taking care of our bodies, nourishing it, and addressing all sum of its parts that will ultimately affect the superficial.
Let’s see what those areas are.

Directly Impacts Our Well-being

Each person has their own unique anatomy and it’s the vessel that houses all of your organs. It’s your physical appearance, body type, body image, physical sensation, movement, and mechanics.

There is currently no scientific agreement on its meaning. However, it is the most important quality of our existence as it affects our mental life and can make life worth living or not. We experience life through our emotions and they trigger body changes plus influences our behavior.

Nutrition is the most significant foundational part of your well-being. In order to have longevity, feel, and look your best, eating healthy is crucial. It is the fuel that nourishes our body that has been supporting us since the day we were born. We show love to our body by nourishing it with the food we eat.

Water makes up over half of the human body. It’s an important element in our organs, our blood, and even our bones. Water’s job in our bodies ranges from insulating our organs to lubricating our joints, to forming the building blocks of cells.

Rest is more than sleep. It includes our self-care practices and our downtime. The ways we intentionally whine down for the day. It’s about taking time to enjoy a hobby, relaxing entertainment, or engaging in restful activities like yoga. Rest is about the things we can do to release stress, calm our bodies, and power down our minds.

Taking in the sun does wonder for your body. Sunlight boosts the immune system, facilitates weight loss; ensures sound sleep, and boosts your mood.

Our body is alive because of the air we breathe so its an important part of wellness. Every one of your cells needs it in order to carry out their functions and keep you moving.

Indirectly Impacts Our Well-being

Your mindset is your frame of mind and how you move through the world in reaction to your beliefs. It can help you grow and transform or it can hold you back and make you feel limited in your ability to achieve challenging goals.

We are not just a physical body.  We also have an internal world that is rich and vast and deeply affects how we feel connected to ourselves and the world around us. It’s our connection to something greater than ourselves and how we give our lives meaning. Spirituality drives our purpose, passions, and mission in life.

Our well-being is hugely dependent on the nature and quality of our relationships. This means all the relationships in your life, including partners, spouses, parents, siblings, coworkers, neighbors, and so many others. Our relationships span from the intimate to the social, the professional, and beyond. We can never be without a relationship with someone as they are the foundation of everything we do in life. People make up the world around us and our lives.

It’s an inner knowing that guides us as we move through the world, grow within ourselves, and tells us what we are here to do. Having a purpose gives meaning to your daily life, but also an understanding of your existence. It gives us the ability to look outside ourselves and our own world, allowing us to see how we can help others and make a contribution in the world or our communities.

A career is all about what we do for work every day so we can pay our bills and take care of our families. It also goes much deeper than that just the basics where you combine both your purpose and passion with a career that is fulfilling on many levels.

Financial health is all about our relationship with money. It goes much deeper than just our budgets, financial investments, and spending habits. Money has its own energy that carries a certain weight and can affect us on a deep level.

The Importance of Wellness

All of these wellness areas are important to keep in balance. Some areas are easier to balance because they are the ones we primarily focus on but others not so much. We are creatures of habit and are good at what we know to do but only for the things we focus on. Most of us, only at a fundamental level.
Think of it this way, all these wellness areas support you on a daily basis and need to be maintained, checked upon, updated, tweak here and there like you would your car, house, closet, kitchen, clothes, etc. Many don’t focus on needing to do the same for their health or their body.
Your body is the most precious vehicle you have. Treat it like a luxury car and not a rental because without a functioning and capable body you won’t be able to get around to much, do what you enjoy the most, or live life to its fullest extent.
As the saying goes, Health is Wealth, because if you have health there is nothing you can’t do.

Prioritizing Your Health

It takes a bit of research on what will work for you and tinkering. Tweaking here and there of that particular wellness area to come into full throttle and provide you with the maximum support you need for living.
Start by giving more love and light to each of the wellness areas. It doesn’t have to be all at once. Start with the wellness areas you know you need to balance the most right now.
We know the consequences of not having optimal health. Our body won’t be able to support us and prevent illnesses, bacterias, or viruses. With determination and discipline, you can make amazing changes to your overall wellness.
If you need support in reaching your wellness goals, please check out my coaching page for more details. I would be happy to support you.