Our focus determines the decisions we make, not our condition, and is controlling our quality of life. And those decisions come with feelings attached.
  • Are you focused on the past, present or future?
  • Do you focus on what you have or what you’re missing?
  • Is controlling everything in your life giving your the results you want?
We experience life by what we focus on not life per se. Your focus is how you experience life.


If you’re focused on the past and the circumstances you lived through, life will have a pretty dim outlook. You will be stuck and stagnant. Thinking about the future, what we don’t even know yet, creates fear.
Experiencing life is being in the present moment. Not worrying about the future and not thinking about the past. We can certainly peak at the future in preparation for our goals and glance at the past for lessons learned. However, these two should not be how we live and experience life.
Live life from the lens of today. What’s passed is past because we are all going to experience significant life challenges, changes and highs/lows.
These challenges are there FOR us to learn, grow and transform. They happen FOR us not TO us. ToΒ help us build resiliency and to evolve.
Once you grasp this concept, your perspective on life will change.


Unhappy about your body or health? Today is when you can make a change. But, without any body shaming or negative thoughts. Ensure you are coming from a healthy state of mind and place so that you can create the space you want to achieve your goals.
Stuck in an unfulfilling relationship? Then, make a change for the better. There is no reason to remain in a relationship that is causing more harm than good. No one is obligated to remain in a relationship they don’t want to be in anymore. Truth is at one point it worked out but now we outgrow things and humans do outgrow each other.
Is your job no longer fulfilling? Recreate yourself. Start over, do something new. Life offers so much opportunities, paths and journey to embark on. You have multitudes of choices.
Focused on what missing in your life? Then, how can you sustain happiness this way? You will never be able to experience the joy life brings each and every day we wake up.


We need look closer at the things we do have in our life now and be grateful for them. Expressing gratitude is the key to inner peace, manifesting more abundance and attracting positive energy in to our lives.
Focus on what matters most to you as long as it will give you motivation to go after it. On the things you can control today all the while being grateful for what you have.
An increase of gratitude develops in us that will alter our perspective and suddenly life becomes more tolerable.