This is one of the areas I targeted first in my self-care, self-love journey.
My challenge was dealing with all the negative self-talk I was engaging in on a daily basis. I would break down and cry at times from the things I was thinking or telling myself.
I was paying attention to the inner critic. The one we all carry within ourselves. The one voice we tend to listen to the most.
I wasn’t loving myself or taking care of myself. I wouldn’t give that kind of love or care to anyone else. This had to change.
Thoughts are ongoing and constant. Our brain works like a computer and keeps looping back thoughts (like a program) throughout the day.
Thoughts affect how we feel about ourselves and how we feel about ourselves affects our actions. They can literally keep you in a depressive or sad state affecting your overall health and well-being.
In order to change the negative self-talk, you need to take control of what you’re thinking versus it control you and your life.
Rewire your brain. Below is one of the ways I rewired my mindset.
1️⃣ Become aware of what you are thinking when the inner critic is engaging in negative self-talk.
2️⃣ Sit with the inner critic, acknowledge it, and listen to what it is saying.
3️⃣ Write down what it’s saying and how it makes you feel.
4️⃣ Ask yourself if what the inner critic is saying is true.
5️⃣ For every negative self-talk write a positive affirmation. They also sell affirmation cards you can carry with you. I purchased Louise Hay cards on Amazon.
6️⃣ Every time the negative thought comes up read the positive affirmation you wrote. Do this all the time. Do not stop.

Mindset Shift

You will notice as you implement this practice you will start thinking more positively and changing the thought around when the inner critic appears. It then becomes effortless as your brain will automatically switch the negative thought into a positive one.
After some time you will have more inner peace, sleep better, and have a more positive outlook for life.
Let me know if you try the above and how it goes for you.  Or, if you want support I would love to coach you in making this positive mindset shift that will greatly benefit you going forward. Please check out my coaching page for more details. I would be happy to support you.