These menopause symptoms are killing me! The hot flashes, I’m burning from the inside!

I can’t take it!

What about the night sweats. Off with the covers and pj’s in the middle of the night.

Turn on the fan, even though its 20 degrees Fahrenheit outside or put the car window down!

Can you relate?

The Truth of the Matter

Many menopausal women have made the decision to live with these symptoms because it’s better than taking alternative options that can cause greater health problems.

It seems like a slam dunk decision, right? Because who wants to take the chance of increasing their health problems?! 

But, guess what? Living with the symptoms is not healthy either and greatly impacts your state of well-being and daily life.

My Backstory

In January 2019 menopause hit me full force like the train coming into the station. The constant hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, and oh my goodness, the brain fog I experienced crippled me.”

I couldn’t sleep with or without my blankets. I felt like a human on/off switch where one minute I’m cold and the next I’m on fire. Taking a shower would prove pointless as you would think I just ran a marathon.

Between feeling, I’m losing control of myself and the brain fog, I felt helpless. I kept asking myself “I know, I know this but why can’t I remember, what is happening to me.” I started to question my capabilities, shaking up my confidence and where self-doubt was creeping in.

What others were saying

In speaking with women within my circle many said they have resigned to living with menopause, hot flashes, and dealing with the effects as they feel there is nothing you can do about it. It’s your body’s way of aging and one must accept it, they said.

Well, heck no! I refuse to accept that and subject myself to such misery every day!

This was not a solution for me. There had to be a way to go through this transition in a much more tolerable way. So, off I went to do research and find a solution to better support my body.

What’s Causing these Symptoms

Here is what I found out. Because we pay attention to these things when we are crossing the bridge, right?

In a high-level overview, the symptoms you are experiencing is your body’s way of letting you know something is wrong, your hormones are out of balance. I like to say the hormones are bitchin for attention.

During menopause women’s levels of estrogen and progesterone decline. If the little bit of estrogen and progesterone our body produces does not get into our cells to activate and balance out our levels, because our cells receptor sites are blocked, we pay a hefty price for it with those nasty symptoms.

There is certainly a lot more happening within your body that needs to be considered contributing to the raging hormones or bitchin if you prefer. But, for now, let’s just look at this one aspect. Your cells are blocked and deeper healing needs to take place.

What to do

I’m sure you heard of the phrase, “You are what you eat?” The food you eat contributes to the havoc that your body is going through. But, things can never be that simple. It’s not only the food you eat but also the need for your body to heal on a deeper level, the cellular level.

You have to start paying attention to your mitochondria! All 72 trillion of them!

Yep, that is what you read! Detoxification at the cellular level is a must. Because no matter what you try to do to balance your hormones if you don’t target healing your cells from toxicity, the changes you make to your daily diet will be in vain.

There are also other things we are doing that don’t help either. Below are several things, but not limited to, contributing to make our life a living nightmare:

  • Sugar
  • Caffeine
  • Junkfood
  • Alcohol
  • Hydrogenated oils
  • Skincare
  • Heavy Metal
  • Toxins
  • Cell Inflammation
  • Congested liver

Natural Menopause Treatment

To greatly reduce menopause symptoms and feel yourself again, you must make a complete lifestyle change.

I know you don’t want to but, you gonna have to if you want to find relief!

Below are the strategies I’ve been implementing since chaos took over my body. I suggest implementing each strategy one at a time to ensure you create consistency and a new sustainable habit.

You also want to take the time to observe how you feel and see what is working for you or not. Every person is unique and what works for me may not work for you but it’s worth a shot given the amount of relief you will find.

It all becomes tolerable and manageable. Believe me, I found a great amount of relief.

Strategies you can implement

  1. Change your eating lifestyle to wholesome organic food.
    • Conventionally grown food from natural growers, farmers market
    • Lots of veggies and super greens
    • Non-GMO
  2. If you can’t eliminate, significantly reduce your sugar intake.
    • Use the 80/20 rule. 80% clean eating all the time.
    • Eat low carb food.
    • Monk fruit is a natural sweetener with no after taste and does not spike up your sugar level. Amazon carries it.
    • No sugary drinks.
    • Water at all times or low sugar alternatives. I love, love Bai Coconut. No sugar and 5g of carbs.
  3. Bring down inflammation in the cells by detoxing. More on this topic in a separate post.
  4. Use avocado oil, olive oil, and coconut oil only. Stay away from canola, safflower, and vegetable oil.
  5. Take a balanced Omega 3, 6, and 9 supplements.
  6. Detoxify your liver.
    1. Everything passes through the liver and if it’s congested and sluggish, your symptoms are going to be far more intense. I’ve noticed the difference.
    2. You can take a supplement to detox the liver like Milk Thistle.
    3. Coffee enema.
  7. Eat to feed your microbiome and to repair your gut bacteria.
    • High dose of Probiotics
    • Clean, grass-fed meat
    • Fermented food
    • Prebiotic and Probiotic food to bring down the toxic estrogen load down
  8. Build up and support your adrenals. They need support and are in charge of your sex hormones.
  9. Take organic maca supplements. This one is a lifesaver!!
  10. Transition to a fasting lifestyle. Fasting has great benefits and it’s the way our body heals itself. More on this topic in a separate post.

Menopause Relief

Since then, I feel in control of myself and with no brain fog, a great amount of energy, and minimal hot flash disruption. Plus, I lost all the hormonal weight gain. Happy dance!

My body lets me know when I ate something that doesn’t contribute to my mission of having little to no hot flashes and night sweats. In other words, when I eat something I shouldn’t my hot flashes are back with a vengeance. Now, most of the time, they just make a quick appearance.

It takes time to figure out what will work for you and what won’t, but if you continue to observe your body, listen to it, tune in, and adapt you will find relief as I did. You can take control back of your health and body.

The bottom line, menopause may not be an option we get to choose, but suffering certainly is. One must only accept it when all options have been exhausted and every rock turned.

I can help you reclaim control of your body and health. Please check out my coaching page for more details. I would be happy to support you.


Eileen Franco