New study has found Insulin Resistance to be a major factor in damaging the brain leading to a diagnosis in Alzheimer’s Disease in Seniors.

This happens when we are eating too much refined carbs and sugar. All these carbs become stored fat and provides no benefit other than to use it for energy when the body needs fuel.

Otherwise, it causes major harm to your organs, brain, body overall.

What is Insulin Resistance?

Insulin Resistance is your body’s inability to use blood sugar. Glucose is not getting into the cells to be used for energy.

The cause of the cells not being able to use glucose has to do with toxins surrounding the cells and we have 72 Trillion of them.

Other Reasons

  • If you live a sedentary lifestyle, the sugar will remain stored in the fat cells.
  • Your body is using it to protect you from a rainy day when there is a shortage of food coming in.

Does this apply to me?

Although the study findings were on Seniors, it is never too early to start taking care of your health.

It is not okay to think this is not for you when in fact eventually, it will be.

Insulin Resistance causes so much damage we need to place emphasis on keeping our body functioning at its maximum, if we want to enjoy a healthy long life.

I can’t stress the importance of embarking on a healthy whole foods lifestyle.

If you don’t know where to begin, what to do, need help and support to get you off insulin resistance, reach out. I can help you cause I was once there myself and I reversed it. Click here to schedule a FREE Wellness call with me.