Holistic wellness contains topics covering all areas of our lives that affect our health and well-being. Nutrition and exercise are two of our priorities but these aren’t the only things affecting our wellness. The focus seems to be only on these areas but more and more we see the world factoring in other areas that are as equally important.

Our relationships, careers, mindset, passion and purpose, spirituality, and finances also indirectly affect our health and in profound ways. Our emotions drive us to make decisions in all of the above areas.  Include mindset and this determines the type of life you will lead. We become what we focus on and if there are negative emotions the results can be predicted.

Holistic wellness encompasses all these areas that seem scattered in all different directions but in reality are all connected and inter-related. Modern medicine tends to focus on putting a band-aid on a symptom or injury. However, beneath the symptoms is the core issue that is rarely addressed.

Digging in to find what is at the core of our symptoms or issue, we discover what is at the root cause of what is going on. Helping us to determine what the right solution would be. Without diving in and finding what is at the root, we are only temporarily solving the problem.


Eating Healthy: How to Transition


Eating healthy has got to be one of the most difficult things one can master.  With all the delicious food my culture makes plus all other cultures we have the privilege of eating, how can

Eating Healthy: How to Transition2023-02-02T11:59:03-05:00

Self-Acceptance: Your Body, Your Temple


Self-Acceptance is one of the things the majority of people struggle with. They're constantly comparing themselves to other people only causing themselves more pain. Some people go as far as bullying others for their

Self-Acceptance: Your Body, Your Temple2020-07-10T20:12:53-04:00

Depression: Episodes of a Poker Face


This is how I felt living with depression for 25 years. I went to work and interacted with others daily, including family members, while hiding my true feelings and self. For those who met me,

Depression: Episodes of a Poker Face2023-02-02T12:01:33-05:00
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