Holistic wellness contains topics covering all areas of our lives that affect our health and well-being. Nutrition and exercise are two of our priorities but these aren’t the only things affecting our wellness. The focus seems to be only on these areas but more and more we see the world factoring in other areas that are as equally important.

Our relationships, careers, mindset, passion and purpose, spirituality, and finances also indirectly affect our health and in profound ways. Our emotions drive us to make decisions in all of the above areas.  Include mindset and this determines the type of life you will lead. We become what we focus on and if there are negative emotions the results can be predicted.

Holistic wellness encompasses all these areas that seem scattered in all different directions but in reality are all connected and inter-related. Modern medicine tends to focus on putting a band-aid on a symptom or injury. However, beneath the symptoms is the core issue that is rarely addressed.

Digging in to find what is at the core of our symptoms or issue, we discover what is at the root cause of what is going on. Helping us to determine what the right solution would be. Without diving in and finding what is at the root, we are only temporarily solving the problem.


Tips to Boost Estrogen Naturally


Estrogen is one of our main hormones in addition to Progesterone and Testosterone.  Being one of the main sex hormones, it protects us from cancer, stroke, cardiovascular disease and more. Upon its

Tips to Boost Estrogen Naturally2022-05-10T13:35:27-04:00

Practical Body and Mind Self-Care Tips for Introverts


Embracing stress relief activities will not be useful if you cannot take care of yourself. Even meditation will not be effective if you’re not getting good sleep. The idea is to ensure you’re

Practical Body and Mind Self-Care Tips for Introverts2023-02-02T11:29:42-05:00

YOUR Body YOUR Temple


Taking time to exercise for at least 15-30 minutes a day will do wonders to your body, health & overall well-being. Experts agree you don’t need to spend hours in the gym. In fact,

YOUR Body YOUR Temple2022-01-19T13:34:06-05:00

Behind Physical Pain & Trauma


Physical pain and trauma go hand in hand. It usually accompanies emotional trauma, and most of the time we aren't even aware of it. Physical pain can manifest itself in our bodies in multitudes

Behind Physical Pain & Trauma2023-02-02T11:54:52-05:00

What causes Insulin Resistance?


New study has found Insulin Resistance to be a major factor in damaging the brain leading to a diagnosis in Alzheimer’s Disease in Seniors. This happens when we are eating too much refined carbs and

What causes Insulin Resistance?2023-02-02T11:30:50-05:00

Secret Fast to Weight Loss


A 36-48 hour fast is the fast you want to do if you want to tap into fat storage. The body will dive deeper in to the fat cells to get the energy it

Secret Fast to Weight Loss2022-01-19T13:36:01-05:00

Why you NEED Sunscreen


Summer is coming… Why do I need to apply sunscreen? There has been much debate over the amount of SPF we should have in our sunscreen. As such, there are an overwhelming amount of sunscreen

Why you NEED Sunscreen2022-07-10T12:51:21-04:00

Why Only One Meal A Day?


This means you eat your first meal after 24 hours of fasting. Yes, you read that right. No food for 24 hours. Benefits are monumental.  Here are the reasons why you want to do

Why Only One Meal A Day?2022-01-19T13:37:10-05:00

Holistic Wellness


To truly have an abundant life of holistic wellness, more than diet and exercise needs to be taken into account and be a part of your daily living. It's true diet and exercise are

Holistic Wellness2020-07-14T11:57:38-04:00

Oh, the Sweetness of Sugar


Sugar is connected to so many of our childhood memories and even to this day. Every Christmas, Halloween, party, or wedding we go to there is never an absence of sugar. We can

Oh, the Sweetness of Sugar2023-02-02T11:57:21-05:00
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