Radiant Wellness2023-09-28T18:56:48-04:00
Coach Toolkit

Coaching Businesswomen to Wellness

Hi there!

I am Eileen, a Menopause Wellness Coach. My platform’s purpose is to empower women who are struggling through peri(menopause) with knowledge strategies, and tools to reclaim their health & well-being. Menopause takes a woman on a journey like no other and when you are a career woman, day-to-day becomes way too difficult to manage, let alone to regain balance and work on a career. Many have resigned from pursing a career because of it, I was one of them. But, don’t lose hope! It’s possible to reverse the affects of menopause and naturally.

A holistic approach is needed to transform your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Coupled with natural strategies that get to the root cause transformation is inevitable. Your health & well-being is the most important blessing, and you can rediscover it in this phase. You can recreate yourself, your life, and feel better than ever before. It’s possible!

I invite you to subscribe to all the latest updates happening in Radiant Wellness, whether it is our new programs, offers, discounts, or products that help you in this new journey you are embarking on; if that is something to poke your interest, enter your email address below.

    Hola!! It is really exciting to have you on my page. My specialty and passion is coaching women through peri(menopause) so they can overcome the symptoms. Women are suffering through this transition thinking there is no natural solution. But, there is! I’m on a mission to spread the message and help women  to thrive because it’s possible.

    work with individuals, organizations and small business owners to bring Wellness into the Workplace and help them create a space to support women going through midlife changes.

    My Menopause Journey

    With a natural holistic approach and lifestyle changes, I was able to rebalance my body. Most importantly, I was able to create a physical transformation in my body getting to the root cause of what was happening resulting in me feeling amazing, in control of my body and being able to overcome the symptoms.

    I know the frustration of not feeling your best, of being tired all the time plus not losing weight no matter what you try. I have been where you are at right now, my friend. Of no ability to remember things, focus or be in a constant state of confusion. Do not despair and lose hope. The natural tools and strategies I’ve discovered along my journey will serve you and help you as it did me and my clients. I’m excited to share them with you. Click here for my read story.

    Eileen Franco Menopause Coach in a yoga pose


    A mere personal approach where you and I will be working 1 on 1. We will go through a series of steps that will start with knowing you personally and leading to developing a plan that will be tailored and made specifically for you to embark on an empowering journey.

    Naturally Drop Menopause Weight Coaching Program

    Join my 8 weeks online group coaching program, Naturally Drop Menopause Weight to lose weight, overcome menopause symptoms, and much more.


    We will have a 2-hour session where we will discuss all your hurdles. Being a Wellness Coach, we will address all the areas that will have a positive impact on your life. With my expertise and training, we find what is happening at the core because, in that way, we can devise a custom-made plan specifically for you.


    As the President of the NFBPWC Virtual Chapter, I was thrilled to learn about Eileen Franco’s work, and even more thrilled that she was able to do a virtual presentation for our group. She was impressively informed and delightfully engaging. I can’t recommend her enough!
    Daneene Monroe Rusnak, President, BPW International

    Eileen was extremely knowledgeable and passionate about nutrition and anything to do with health. I started working with Eileen on some basic nutritional goals with a weight loss goal in the future. Within the three months of my program, I learned techniques to tackle stress and better eating habits. Based on Eileen’s recommendations, I started attending yoga for the first time in my life. This has helped with sleeping and stress. Eileen, just didn’t focus on one area she extended herself to tackle areas that may be causing my weight gain. She also supplied me with excellent tips on organizing my mornings so that I would have time to start with a healthy breakfast. I am more focused on eating healthier and managing stress.

    LaDonna Cromartie-Damon, Rahway, New Jersey

    Eileen is insightful and super awesome. Her presentation to our group was phenomenal! All participants felt Eileen’s presentation was right on the mark and exactly what we were looking for. There key takeaways for women in menopause to be aware of. I highly recommend Eileen to be your next presenter.

    LaTrenda Ross, President, IAW Hudson Chapter

    Eileen Franco is a powerful and impactful speaker. She has an inspiring story to share for anyone who wants to live a healthier, more empowered life. Her important message guides participants to take action with simple steps. Having Eileen as your guest speaker will not be a disappointment. I highly recommend inviting Eileen to speak at your event or serve as your next guest speaker.

    Suzanne Monroe, Founder, International Association of Wellness Professionals

    Eileen’s presentation to the International Association of Women was full of valuable tips and resources to help women navigate health challenges related to the hormonal changes that occur during menopause. Eileen was well prepared with the content and engaged with the audience throughout the discussion. Using her own life experiences helped to drive home the importance of the topic and kept the discussion relatable to everyone in the room.

    Megan Buzzuto, President, International Association of Women

    Eileen’s program was a great match for me.  I had lost a good deal of weight and hit a plateau.  I kept gaining and losing the same 5 pounds over and over.  I just couldn’t seem to break the pattern. In Eileen’s program, I learned the benefits of fasting. I broke my plateau and started losing weight again.  More than that, I learn about the different kinds of fasts and how to use them to my advantage. Eileen is great to work with.  She’s very caring and wants her clients to succeed at reaching their goals. Many thanks to her for putting together this wonderful program.

    Martha Ervin, Ervin Hypnosis Center

    I feel blessed to have worked with Eileen. The exercise & yoga sessions we did helped me feel great and so relaxed. I found the hours went by too fast. The  recommendation she made for my failing health was invaluable. She recommended natural remedies for my bronchitis and it was the best. It opened up my lungs and I was able to breathe easily again. We should always try to find natural remedies before taking any medications that would only harm our bodies.

    Jocelyn Urena, Oradell, New Jersey

    “I suffer from high blood pressure, fatty liver and was overweight. Fortunately and thanks to God and this program, my blood pressure normalized and was at the lowest point it has ever been. My Dr. took me off the blood pressure medication. My goal was to lose 10 pounds I lost 15. The fatigue and inflammation I had due to having the virus are gone. I’m extremely happy and super grateful for how I feel. I wholeheartedly urge you to have this experience and give yourself an opportunity to improve your health and mental state. It was wonderful working with Eileen. She is very professional and extremely dedicated in helping others feel happy with themselves.” – Maria, 52 years old

    Maria Aquino, Bergenfield, New Jersey, Your Content Goes Here

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